Monday, March 30, 2020

Welcome to the current Coronavirus epicenter :(

We live in the Borough of Queens, New York City, within walking distance of Elmhurst Hospital, currently one of the hardest-hit hospitals in the United States, with 13 deaths in one day.  A local rabbi and family are currently recovering from COVID-19 after self-quarantining for the requisite 14 days (or perhaps longer--I think they waited until the last family member no longer had a fever).  Even going out for a walk is scary, but our Physician Assistant friend advised us that we need the "sunshine" vitamin D to help us stay healthy.  And grocery shopping online is becoming more and more difficult now that far more people than usual are relying on the internet for food deliveries.  We're literally afraid to rent a car to go shopping in a Jewish neighborhood for kosher-for-Passover food, and we don't know whether our online matzah order will arrive in time for Pesach.  If we have to make a seder with nothing but our current single bottle of kosher-for-Passover grade juice and whatever food we can buy in our own neighborhood, then that's the way it will have to be.  Under the current circumstances, and given our location, we consider ourselves fortunate that we're currently healthy.  Stay safe and be well!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 update:
We are happy to announce the arrival of three boxes of matzah and six cans of macaroons--three coconut, three chocolate chip--ordered online directly from Streits!  With this and our current single bottle of kosher grape juice, we can make some semblance of a seder!

Sunday, April 5, 2020 update:
The good news is that, upon checking, I discovered that we'd received five boxes of matzah from Streits, even though I thought I'd ordered only three.

The bad news is that I saw this notice on the Gluten Free Shoppe's website:  "Due to the circumstances we cannot guarantee that all orders will be shipped out on time. Thank you for understanding."  At this point, I don't expect to receive anything from them before the beginning of Pesach.  :(



Blogger Larry Lennhoff said...

Chag Kasher v' Sameach. Best wishes for good health for all of you.

Tue Mar 31, 12:33:00 AM 2020  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Larry, thanks for your good wishes. Right now, "Sameach/Happy" will only happen if we stay healthy. Kasher/Kosher? We'll do the best we can.

Tue Mar 31, 12:39:00 AM 2020  

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